
$9.99 / month

  • 2.25% Application Fee (see details in FAQ)
  • Unlimited Sponsorship Types and Profiles
  • Privacy protection
  • Secure Payment Gateway with weekly payouts
  • Robust Reporting
  • Unlimited administrators with permissions
  • Gift Sponsorships
  • General Giving form (only 0.25% application fee)
  • More!


Frequently Asked Questions

Does my organization qualify?

We partner with U.S. based 501(c)3 organizations. We show preference to those organizations that have a strong and established mission around education, skills training, or job creation.

How does pricing work?

In addition to your monthly subscription, there are two types of transaction based fees:

  • Aprann application fee - this fee starts at 2.25%. Contact us for options on fees for high volume situations.

  • Payment processing fees - These fees are collected by our payment provider and set at a reduced non-profit rate of 2.2% for most cases. There are exceptions for international cards and currency conversion.

Your general donation form will only incur a 0.25% application fee.

What about identity protection for minors?

We require that sponsorship types that involve minors are configured as masked profiles. This means that the public profile will display blurred out images and de-identified information. Sponsors will get to see the unlocked information.

How do payouts work?

We parner with Stripe to provide a built in payment gateway. As part of the initial setup, you will securely link your organization bank account. Payouts will be directly deposited to your account on a weekly basis.

Can I use my own payment provider?

No, you will need to use Aprann as your payment gateway. Aprann uses a special type of Stripe connected account, so even if you already have a Stripe account it will not work with our platform.

What about payment security?

Aprann is a PCI compliant payment gateway through it's partnership with Stripe. We never see or directly handle or store payment information, but rather it is routed through secure channels directly to Stripe. Stripe is a PCI Service Provider Level 1. To learn more about payment security, please visit